Building a city, region, and movement for all


We are Cupertino residents, priced-out former residents, homeowners, renters, youth, seniors, and allies who agree that Cupertino must reimagine itself for a new future

A new kind of Cupertino. A Cupertino for All. A Cupertino that strives to be...

Sustainable, Equitable, & Vibrant


Join our movement to make Cupertino inclusive


To create a Cupertino for All, we use three guiding principles


Housing for All

The Bay Area is in the midst of a major housing crisis, and Cupertino is not exempt from its effects.  The ability for people to live where they work, play, or go to school is a direct result of policies made right here in our city. This crisis was caused and exacerbated by policy choices, and it can only be resolved through direct policy choices. Cupertino is at a crossroads. Our schools are closing. Our teachers can’t afford to live here. Our workers can’t live here. Our community college students can’t live here. Our seniors can’t downsize. We can continue to sit idly by while others suffer and our city becomes increasingly inaccessible and hollowed out, or we can begin to seriously address the problem. 


Community for All

Our people and communities are beautiful; we need our city to change, but that change can and should come alongside community benefit as well. Cupertino deserves vibrancy—celebration of its unique history and diversity. Currently, our city’s planning lacks a soul; we deserve more cultural spaces for our Asian-American communities. Cupertino needs more recreational, youth, and senior spaces. Our own residents shouldn’t feel like strangers in their own town. As we look toward creating a vision for the future—for our children—we want our people to be apart of claiming this new city for themselves.

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Transportation for All

Having a car should not be necessary for survival. Taking cars off the road improves quality of life for everyone — reducing traffic and mitigating climate change (70% of our emissions are from cars). We need to massively invest in public transportation options and reorient our city to be more pedestrian and biker friendly.